resistance is futile.
Eric Elbogen has been the sole member of Say Hi To Your Mom through the course of three albums but the world, she's a-changing. Say Hi To Your Mom is a little over a month away from releasing it's fourth album and first with two additional full-time members. Elbogen is no stranger to quirky vulnerability and intrinsically human sounding thematic albums, but what is different this time around may be exactly what SHTYM needed to get you hooked. Impeccable Blahs' theme is vampires. Wait! I know the second you read that you stopped caring about anything I could write about and wanting nothing more than to scroll down and listen for yourself, but come on. That's just rude. Hear me out. Or at least promise to scroll back up and finish. Deal? Alright. Start with "Blah Blah Blah" then.
Originally turned on to the SHTYM bus through an Insound recommendation for fans of DCFC, Bright Eyes, Pavement, and Pixies, I found last year's Ferocious Mopes to be quite good. Different than what my expectations had been lead to, but still impressive. Now, with correct supposition of their sound and FAQ-based excitement, I can correctly fall for a Say Hi To Your Mom album, and I'm thrilled that it's Impeccable Blahs. Bands with humorous "Ask The Band" website sections have a soft spot in my heart. SHTYM's FAQ section is not up to par with We Are Scientists' advice column (Your time is well spent in W.a.S.'s advice archives), but clever nonetheless, and complete with around 100 potential band names. And yes, maybe quite a few of them would have been better than Say Hi To Your Mom, but does it really have to bother you? With Elbogen drowsily singing just above a whisper about drinking your blood, it shouldn't. Just let the fuzzy, slouching, (dare I say) shoegaze-y rock more than make up for the moniker. Trust me. It does.

Say Hi To Your Mom's "Blah Blah Blah"
& "Sweet Sweet Heartkiller"
from Impeccable Blahs
Originally turned on to the SHTYM bus through an Insound recommendation for fans of DCFC, Bright Eyes, Pavement, and Pixies, I found last year's Ferocious Mopes to be quite good. Different than what my expectations had been lead to, but still impressive. Now, with correct supposition of their sound and FAQ-based excitement, I can correctly fall for a Say Hi To Your Mom album, and I'm thrilled that it's Impeccable Blahs. Bands with humorous "Ask The Band" website sections have a soft spot in my heart. SHTYM's FAQ section is not up to par with We Are Scientists' advice column (Your time is well spent in W.a.S.'s advice archives), but clever nonetheless, and complete with around 100 potential band names. And yes, maybe quite a few of them would have been better than Say Hi To Your Mom, but does it really have to bother you? With Elbogen drowsily singing just above a whisper about drinking your blood, it shouldn't. Just let the fuzzy, slouching, (dare I say) shoegaze-y rock more than make up for the moniker. Trust me. It does.

Say Hi To Your Mom's "Blah Blah Blah"
& "Sweet Sweet Heartkiller"
from Impeccable Blahs
I wish I had my computer hooked up so I could keep track and read up. Instead I have to wait weeks to spend an hour reading....sigh. Well anyway, just wanted to give a good word. Okay thanks.
Love, Marty
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