you be just who you are.
I briefly wanted to share that I was thinking about my two kittens that I had to give up almost exactly one year ago. They were brother and sister and their names were Robot (short for Robot II: Electric Boogaloo, naturally) and Lily. They lived with me for many months from the day they turned six weeks old. They would play with each other with fierce vivacity and, seconds later, fall fast asleep in my hands. Lily would fall asleep on top of the back cushion of the couch on which I am currently sitting, and gradually slip in between the cushion and the back of the couch. I'd have to check before sitting down that she wasn't sleeping there, or I'd cruch her.
I'm sorry. I know this is far more personal and gag-worthy than no one is awake ever gets, but it's important to me and so were they. Below are Robot, Lily, Robot and Lily, and the origin of Lily's name.

Matt Pond PA's "Lily One"
& "Lily Two"
from Four Songs EP and Emblems
Math and Physics Club's "A Marshmallow World"
I'm sorry. I know this is far more personal and gag-worthy than no one is awake ever gets, but it's important to me and so were they. Below are Robot, Lily, Robot and Lily, and the origin of Lily's name.

Matt Pond PA's "Lily One"
& "Lily Two"
from Four Songs EP and Emblems
Math and Physics Club's "A Marshmallow World"
Those pictures are fucking adorable.
And Robot is the best name ever.
Hey, it's leray1 from the JOA forum. It's weird, but Lily and Robot look just like my cat Beans Beans. I'll have to send you a picture.
leray 1 at gmail
awww, I miss those two so much. They are the best.
awww I rememeber those two! Good times. sigh.
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