something's been wrong a long long time.
I'm still in the process of getting used to my iMac, but with such attributes as a 500GB hard drive, 2GB of RAM, wireless keyboard and mouse, built in camera, and let's not forget over 250 square inches of viewing pleasure with no "tower" (it's just a "monitor!"), I imagine I'll grow into it in no time. Oh, and in a timespan of seventy-two hours, it travelled from Shanghai to Anchorage to Indianapolis to Cleveland to my house. The world really is amazing.
Hrishikesh Hirway is, albeit a less grand of a scale, also amazing. He's finished recording his third full-length as The One AM Radio, which should peak it's presumably beautiful head in early 2007.
While we wait, however, we can indulge in the music of The Young Toughs. Hirway has joined up with David Slade (of American Princes) to create a perfect blend of the alt-country rock Slade has grown into and the sweet electronic tinged folk that Hirway is know for.
I can only find reference to The Young Toughs on MySpace, but four grand songs await you there.

Hrishakesh Hirway and David Slade are The Young Toughs and on MySpace.
I promise you a triumphant return of fleshed-out posts very very soon. In fact, this is my 199th post since I began in March and I feel something mighty is in order for the big 200. Let me know if you've got an idea!
Hrishikesh Hirway is, albeit a less grand of a scale, also amazing. He's finished recording his third full-length as The One AM Radio, which should peak it's presumably beautiful head in early 2007.
While we wait, however, we can indulge in the music of The Young Toughs. Hirway has joined up with David Slade (of American Princes) to create a perfect blend of the alt-country rock Slade has grown into and the sweet electronic tinged folk that Hirway is know for.
I can only find reference to The Young Toughs on MySpace, but four grand songs await you there.

Hrishakesh Hirway and David Slade are The Young Toughs and on MySpace.
I promise you a triumphant return of fleshed-out posts very very soon. In fact, this is my 199th post since I began in March and I feel something mighty is in order for the big 200. Let me know if you've got an idea!
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