Monday, November 13, 2006

all up in my space.

I can't seem to download songs from MySpace lately. I wonder if I'm the only one having such a problem. In any case, I'd really like it if you spent some time going to the following destinations, courtesy of MySpace.

Cale Parks has a new demo up that's really just as good as most of his Illuminated Manuscript material. I assume that you know how good his album is.
Baby Dayliner also has a new demo up called "Dolemite" as well as several videos. If you're not hip to Baby Dayliner already, he's like a disco Morrissey and a club Bowie giving birth to an urban kid with equal amounts attitude and ego. Dig it.
The One AM Radio will release This Too Will Pass at the end of January. He's posted the first song on his MySpace. January is going to be bloated with grand music.
Tenebre is an Californian instrumental outfit who like to have fun with their guitars the way I like. For fans of Owls and Don Caballero.
Massimo is another instrumental melodic guitar outfit. This time the origin is Tokyo and the Mike Kinsella influence is American Football.
Sharks and Seals are always a good listen, and are tight with no one is awake chums, Them, Roaringtwenties.
Them, Roaringtwenties are still fantastic, and be sure to seek out their members' solo stuff through their own accounts. Drawing Trees, Summerteeth and James Beesley are my main points of emphasis.



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