there isn't nothing all us little animals can do.
One of my favorite finds of 2005 was Music Saves' recommendation of Phosphorescent's Aw Come Aw Wry. I bonded with this album at the beginning of 2006, in bizarre conjunction with Of Montreal's Gay Parade. There was even a period of several weeks when I was content listening bipolarly to Of Montreal's "Old Familiar Way" and Phosphorescent's "Joe Tex, These Taming Blues." But enough about that happier, peppier end of the spectrum.
Phosphorescent is Matthew Houck. His crackling, sad voice and uniquely orchestrated folk don't stray too far from the styles brought forth in his other band, Castanets. But his own blend of atmospheric Americana and piano and horn driven soul folk set him apart from his Asthmatic Kitty partners. Houck is occasionally heavy on the atmospheric aspect, most notably on the nineteen minute closing track, "Nowhere Rd., Georgia, Feb. 21, 2005," made up entirely of the background sounds present at the time. It can absolutely be boring or dismissable but the first forty-one minutes of Aw Come Aw Wry set the mood so well for it's anti-climax to leave to in a very relaxed yet very conscious state.
The high points of Phosphorescent's sophomore release are undoubtedly the aforementioned "Joe Tex" as well as "I Am A Full Grown Man (I Will Lay in the Grass All Day)." Certainly enough to build your interest for a new album, supposedly to drop by the end of the year, or to revive your adoration of Castanets; a meaty portion of Phosphorescent, with a side of Page France, washed down by a glass of Will Oldham.
Enjoy my favorites from Phosphorescent's Aw Come Aw Wry as well as both Castanet albums.

Phosphorescent's "Joe Tex, These Taming Blues"
& "I Am A Full Grown Man (I Will Lay in the Grass All Day)"
from Aw Come Aw Wry
Castanets' "Three Days, Four Nights"*
from Cathedral
Castanets' "Good Friend, Yr. Hunger"
from First Light's Freeze
Phosphorescent's "Pretty" at The EARL in Atlanta, 04/15/06
*It was here, the sixth song on Cathedral, about twenty-two seconds in that was completely sold on Castanets. It's the little things.
Phosphorescent is Matthew Houck. His crackling, sad voice and uniquely orchestrated folk don't stray too far from the styles brought forth in his other band, Castanets. But his own blend of atmospheric Americana and piano and horn driven soul folk set him apart from his Asthmatic Kitty partners. Houck is occasionally heavy on the atmospheric aspect, most notably on the nineteen minute closing track, "Nowhere Rd., Georgia, Feb. 21, 2005," made up entirely of the background sounds present at the time. It can absolutely be boring or dismissable but the first forty-one minutes of Aw Come Aw Wry set the mood so well for it's anti-climax to leave to in a very relaxed yet very conscious state.
The high points of Phosphorescent's sophomore release are undoubtedly the aforementioned "Joe Tex" as well as "I Am A Full Grown Man (I Will Lay in the Grass All Day)." Certainly enough to build your interest for a new album, supposedly to drop by the end of the year, or to revive your adoration of Castanets; a meaty portion of Phosphorescent, with a side of Page France, washed down by a glass of Will Oldham.
Enjoy my favorites from Phosphorescent's Aw Come Aw Wry as well as both Castanet albums.

Phosphorescent's "Joe Tex, These Taming Blues"
& "I Am A Full Grown Man (I Will Lay in the Grass All Day)"
from Aw Come Aw Wry
Castanets' "Three Days, Four Nights"*
from Cathedral
Castanets' "Good Friend, Yr. Hunger"
from First Light's Freeze
*It was here, the sixth song on Cathedral, about twenty-two seconds in that was completely sold on Castanets. It's the little things.
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